There was
not much adventuring done on Magus during 2013 and 2014 because we were too
busy with other life events. In the fall
of 2012, we had moved back to Peaks Island after a two-year diversion in
Bowdoinham; that is a huge story not detailed here. We were happy to still have our house on
Peaks, but we wanted to “down-size” our overhead, and we bought a nearby
cottage in disrepair. Then we had a big
renovation project for the next year, moving into “Nirvana” for the summer of
2014. In the fall, we sold our original house
on Peaks. During this time, we were
renting the original house by the week in the summers, living on Magus at the
marina at times, and doing a lot of family things.
One of the
family things was becoming grandparents in August, 2013. Sophi and Travis continued to live on their
Seabird for the next 9 months or
so in Portland, then moved to a great apartment in Bath, Maine, and had
Seabird on a mooring in Bath for the
summer of 2014. They were disappointed
to sell
Seabird recently, but they’re
hoping to use
Magus some. We enjoy seeing them and Felix every few
weeks, and that’s pretty wonderful. They
may still have a
blog of
their adventures.
Also in
2014, we had a big reunion of Jenny’s family.
Near the end of their stay, a lot of us went for a sail to Fowler Beach/
Sandy Beach/ South Beach on Long Island.
We went out for sails and visits throughout the summer, too.
As for
Magus, we love the bowsprit and new roller furling jib. We still have a lot of projects to get done
in 2015. We had a big mooring installed on
Peaks Island, so that’s nice to have in addition to the Dimillo’s marina slip
in Portland, that we will probably give up in May, 2016.
I’ll do
another blog on our overall plans for voyaging in 2016. In the meantime, we’re going to attend the
whole weekend “
Safety at Sea”
workshop in Boston in March, 2015.