We had some nice sails around Casco Bay early in the summer, including a couple of overnight trips with Sophi, Travis and their son Felix, both to Jewel Island.
Because the boat had not been out of the water for bottom paint since 2013, there was some noticeable growth. We pulled up to the Army Pier on Peaks Island for a quick wash, and painted the waterline. That was a big help, not that it lasted very long. Next year, the full haul and bottom job...

We had hoped to sail to Penobscot Bay for a couple of weeks, but circumstances conspired against us. Jenny went out to visit her sister in Seattle at the end of the summer, planning to stay for awhile, so Albert decided to make a dash for Vinalhaven over the weekend of September 19 - 20, leaving Friday night at 5 pm and arriving in Carver's Harbor at 7:30 the next morning, just before it fogged for awhile. Overall, the weather was excellent, though.

Albert was the consultant for designing and constructing the unique landfill cover system on Vinalhaven in 1997, and he wanted to see how it was holding up. It was doing good, but a few trees were bigger than expected. Everything needs to be maintained, and these should be removed.
On Sunday, the sail was beautiful along the west side of Vinalhaven and then across Pen Bay to Rockland. Our friend Carter had a mooring that we could use, and he gave Albert a ride back home to Freeport.
I turned out that Jenny came back to Maine, so we will both go up to Rockland and sail back to Portland, soon.